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第29屆台灣國際女性影展 國立陽明交通大學巡迴

台灣國際女性影展於1993年由女性主義學者、影像研究學者與電影創作者所創辦,經過29年的經營,已為國內推廣影像與性別教育最重要且規模最大的影展。2022年台灣國際女性影展國立陽明交通大學巡迴以「革命繼續進行」作為影展主軸,強調多元的少數群體為了基本生存權可獲承認所從事的奮鬥,以及這些奮鬥的政治性和迫切性,尤其聚焦全球原住民群體及非二元性別者的抗爭史與生命史。本巡迴選定「焦點影人:艾拉妮斯 · 奧柏莎溫」、「在邊緣聽見世界」、「酷憶似鏡」、「台灣競賽」等單元影片,在光復與六家校區舉辦共八場放映。電影所涵蓋議題包括少數群體抗爭史、傳統文化習俗之改革、原住民文化與歷史、童年與青少年經驗、藝術實踐與科技發展之歷史書寫等主題。影展結合不同系所教授開設的課程,將特定電影帶來陽明交通大學巡迴,期望透過影像研究、女性主義研究、性/別研究、原住民研究及族裔研究的交織性視角,來展現性/別研究與社會運動的豐富性與多樣性。

The Revolution Continues

The 29th Women Make Waves International Film Festival, Taiwan - NYCU Tour

The Women Make Waves International Film Festival, Taiwan was established in 1993 by feminist scholars, moving image researchers, and filmmakers, and is Taiwan’s largest and most significant film festival to promote film, moving image and gender politics awareness. This year’s Women Make Waves NYCU Tour is entitled “The Revolution Continues” to draw attention to the constant urgency and struggle in the battles for basic recognition and rights which so many must fight for, particularly indigenous groups and gender non-conforming individuals. These battles have long, living histories which continue up to the present day. Films have been selected from some of the main festival’s categories of “Master in Focus: Alanis Obomsawin,” “SH(O)UT UP,” “Queerious Mirror,” and “Taiwan Competition,” to host eight screenings across the Kuang-Fu and Liou-Jia campuses. Themes running through this year’s tour include histories of minority protest, reformation of traditional cultural customs, indigenous culture and history, childhood and youth experience, and the generation of histories of arts practices and technology. Integrated with courses offered by various faculty, this year’s tour aims to give expression to the richness and multiplicity of gender/sexuality studies and social movements through the intersectional lenses of moving image, feminism, gender/sexuality research, and indigenous and ethnicity studies.





Planning and organization by: Powered Image Working Lab

Convened by: International Institute for Cultural Studies, NYCU; International Institute for Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan

In cooperation with: Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU; Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NYCU; Taiwan Women's Film Association; The 29th Women Make Waves International Film Festival, Taiwan

Women Make Waves International Film Festival, Taiwan website:

海報 Posters

照片 Photos


坎那沙塔奇抗爭史 Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance

艾拉妮斯.奧柏莎溫 Alanis OBOMSAWIN 導演

加拿大 Canada | 1993 | Color | 119 min | 護(預估)

★ 1993 多倫多影展最佳加拿大長片

★ 1993 溫哥華國際影展最佳紀錄長片

★ 1993 美國印地安電影節最佳紀錄長片

★ 1994 加拿大金尼獎提名

1990年,燠熱七月天,魁北克原住民保留區坎那沙塔奇 (Kanehsatake) 與奧卡 (Oka) 村發生激烈的警民衝突,當地居民捍衛土地與居住正義,抵抗高爾夫球場擴建,長久以來白人殖民者漠視原住民傳統領域的使用權利,剝削侵佔、強取豪奪,雙方對峙、抗爭持續升溫。一聲不明槍響之後,軍隊開進當地,抗爭進入白熱化。莫霍克族人 (Mohawk) 死守祖先聖地,展開長達兩個多月的奮戰。




In July 1990, a dispute over a proposed golf course to be built on Kanien’kéhaka (Mohawk) lands in Quebec, set the stage for a confrontation that would grab international headlines and sear itself into the Canadian consciousness. OBOMSAWIN spent 78 days behind Kanien’kéhaka lines filming the armed standoff between protestors, the Quebec police and the Canadian army. Released in 1993, this landmark documentary has made history at the Toronto International Film Festival, where it became the first documentary ever to win the Best Canadian Feature award. This powerful documentary is seen as a “watershed film in the history of First Peoples cinema.”

身而為人 Our Bodies Are Your Battlefields


伊莎貝・索拉斯 Isabelle SOLAS

阿根廷、法國 Argentina, France | 2021 | Color | 101 min | 輔(預估)



★ 2021 墨西哥瓜達拉哈拉影展最佳酷兒片

★ 2021 Chéries-Chéris巴黎酷兒影展評審團大獎

★ 2022 Sheffield Doc/Fest雪菲爾國際紀錄片影展





In Argentina, divided between a deep conservatism and an unprecedented feminist momentum, the film delves into the political journey and intimate lives of Claudia and Violeta, two trans women who identify as transvestites. Despite the approval of gender identity law in 2012, the fight against patriarchal violence is visceral and embodied. Convinced of their central roles in the ongoing revolution, they redouble their energy to invent a new present, to love and stay alive.

鑽石水族世界 Diamond and Shrimp

黃琇怡 HUANG Hsiu-Yi

台灣 Taiwan | 2022 | DCP | Color | 153 min|護(預估)

台灣蝦農小杜哥來到緬甸準備跨國養殖計畫,但計畫趕不上變化,他該如何在緬甸生存下來;緬華混血女孩小蘇,嫁給緬籍先生之後,決定回到父親在20年前開墾過的蝦池工作與生活,完成父親的夢想。 這是小杜哥與小蘇相遇之後的一段夢,以及導演的旅程。


After surviving a Ponzi scheme resulted from an information gap in Myanmar, a Taiwanese shrimp farmer, Du, collaborates with a local Chinese-Burmese, Su, to keep his shrimp business going. It is a story about how they work from the beginning to the end.

廳下火 Incense Fire

鄭慧玲 CHENG Hui-Ling

台灣 Taiwan | 2022 | DCP | Color | 60 min|普(預估)

「廳下」是客家人的祠堂,傍晚除了上香就是要點亮「廳下火」。徹夜不熄的廳下火照亮世世代代子孫回家的路,只是所謂的子孫並不包括女兒。 傳統客家社會中,未婚往生的女兒不能葬回家族祖塔或家塚,出嫁的女兒也不能回去祭祖。在職場叱咤一方的現代客家女性回到宗族中仍是被忽視的一群,但隨著世代交替開始略略鬆動⋯⋯


Situated in the middle of a traditional three-section compound, “tangˊhaˊ” is the shrine where the Hakka worship their ancestors. The tangˊhaˊ fire burns all night everyday, leading generations of offspring home—except for the married daughters. As responsibilities are passed on to the younger generations, some Hakka clans have begun to relax the restrictions, although there are still many hurdles to overcome....

調頻姐姐們 Sisters with Transistors

麗莎・羅夫納 Lisa ROVNER

英國、法國 UK, France |2020|Color, B&W|89 min|普(預估)



★ 2020 Sheffield Doc 謝菲爾德紀錄片影展

★ 2020 CPH:DOX哥本哈根國際紀錄片影展新浪潮獎

★ 2020 SXSW西南偏南電影節

配樂是不是音樂?電子音樂是否為音樂類型之一?我們習以為常的答案,在數十年前,需要奮力地證明。本片邀請美國前衛音樂人、藝術家蘿瑞.安德森 (Laurie ANDERSON) 擔任旁白,帶出十位女性電子音樂先驅的集體群像。科技進步帶來莫大自由,她們盡情運用自身想像力與創造力,無畏嘗試與實驗各種可能性,這些都大大影響了現今製作和聆聽音樂的方式。




A remarkably untold story of electronic music’s female pioneers and composers who embraced machines and their liberating technologies to transform how we produce and listen to music, Sisters with Transistors maps a new history of electronic music through 10 visionary women whose radical experimentations redefined the boundaries of music. Narrated by avant-garde composer Laurie ANDERSON, the film uncovers these fascinating and enigmatic musical geniuses and their peculiar way of hearing the world.

是日大暑 Blossom

王彥蘋 WANG Yan-Ping

台灣 Taiwan | 2022 | DCP | Color | 6 min|護(預估)


★ 2022 青春影展

★ 2022 myfone行動創作獎微電影二獎、最佳編劇獎、最佳女演員獎



It is the hottest day of a year. Ting and Jieh are planning for their trip after summer.

膚膚相親 Skin to Skin

梅爾・阿蘭茲 Mel ARRANZ

西班牙 Spain | 2021 | Color | 8 min|護


★ 2022 鹿特丹影展



Between lines and shapes, hands touch; they explore and experience each other, wanting to break down the boundaries between their skin.

初始之光 The First Memory with You

謝宣光 Hsuan-Kuang HSIEH

台灣、美國 Taiwan, USA | 2022 | DCP | Color | 5 min|普(預估)


★2022 巴西ECRÃ影展



Could a memory exist if no one remembers it? This film is made with a set of Polaroids my mom took in Dallas, 1987, the year before I was born. The Polaroids collide with hand shadow puppetry and the optical path of Polaroid SX-70 to explore the memory from various perspectives. The hands of the mother’s and the daughter’s bridge the past and the present, conjuring the physical and inherent memory.

悄悄告訴她 Swimming in the Dark

陳品儒 Pin-Ru CHEN

台灣 Taiwan | 2022 | DCP | Color | 27 min|護(預估)


★ 2022 螺絲起子國際學生影展

游泳比賽在即,少女文綺所面臨的壓力,令盛夏充滿了陰鬱的氣息。總是和她形影不離的曉安也察覺到了細微的變化。 面對文綺的封閉與創傷,曉安選擇了一再接近,然而每一次的靠近,卻將她們彼此越推越遠⋯⋯


When the swimming competition is coming, Wen is under a lot of pressure, which makes it a gloomy summer. Ann, who is inseparable from her, found out something different. To confront Wen’s closure and trauma, Ann decides to get closer with Wen. But everytime she does so, they were pushed further apart.





地點:陽明交通大學 六家校區 客家文化學院 HK105室

引言人:朱華瑄 / 國立陽明交通大學 人文社會學系助理教授

Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance

Time: 10/18 (Tue.) 9:00

Venue: HK105 Hakka Building, Liou-Jia Campus, NYCU

Moderator: Professor Hua-Hsuan Chu

(Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NYCU)



地點:陽明交通大學 光復校區 人社二館三樓人文電影館

引言人:蔡華臻 / 國立陽明交通大學 社會與文化研究所助理教授、


Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance

Time: 10/27 (Thurs.) 18:00

Venue: NYCU Cinema for the Arts, 3rd Floor, HA Building B, Kuang-Fu Campus

Moderator: Professor Hwa-Jen Tsai

(Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU;

Executive Supervisor, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)


時間:11/03 (四)18:00

地點:陽明交通大學 光復校區 人社二館三樓人文電影館

引言人:蔡華臻 / 國立陽明交通大學 社會與文化研究所助理教授、


Our Bodies Are Your Battlefields

Time: 11/03 (Thurs.) 18:00

Venue: NYCU Cinema for the Arts, 3rd Floor, HA Building B, Kuang-Fu Campus

Moderator: Professor Hwa-Jen Tsai

(Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU;

Executive Supervisor, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)




地點:陽明交通大學 六家校區 客家文化學院 HK207室

引言人:蔡晏霖 / 國立陽明交通大學 人文社會學系副教授

Diamond and Shrimp

Time: 11/08 (Tue.) 13:20

Venue: HK207 Hakka Building, Liou-Jia Campus, NYCU

Moderator: Professor Yen-Ling Tsai

(Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NYCU)




地點:陽明交通大學 六家校區 客家文化學院 HK207室

引言人:連瑞枝 / 國立陽明交通大學 人文社會學系教授

Incense Fire

Time: 11/10 (Thurs.) 10:00

Venue: HK207 Hakka Building, Liou-Jia Campus, NYCU

Moderator: Professor Ruizhi Lian

(Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NYCU)




地點:陽明交通大學 光復校區 人社二館三樓人文電影館

引言人:蔡華臻 / 國立陽明交通大學 社會與文化研究所助理教授、


Sisters with Transistors

Time: 11/10 (Thurs.) 18:00

Venue: NYCU Cinema for the Arts, 3rd Floor, HA Building B, Kuang-Fu Campus

Moderator: Professor Hwa-Jen Tsai

(Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU;

Executive Supervisor, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)




地點:陽明交通大學 光復校區 人社二館F106教室

引言人:蔡華臻 / 國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所助理教授、


Incense Fire | Blossom | Skin to Skin | The First Memory with You | Swimming in the Dark

Time: 11/17 (Thurs.) 13:30

Venue: F106 HA Building B, Kuang-Fu Campus, NYCU

Moderator: Professor Hwa-Jen Tsai

(Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU;

Executive Supervisor, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)





地點:陽明交通大學 光復校區 科三館SC 160教室

引言人:簡美玲 / 國立陽明交通大學 人文社會學系教授

Mother of Many Children

Time: 12/15 (Thurs.) 13:20 (please be seated by 13:15)

Venue: SC160 Science Building C, Kuang-Fu Campus, NYCU

Moderator: Professor Mei-Ling Chien

(Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NYCU)

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