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第30屆台灣國際女性影展 國立陽明交通大學巡迴





本屆巡迴影展於2023年10月31日至11月24日共舉辦五場放映。巡迴主題定名為「關照練習Times of Mutual Action, Times of Care」,從今年主影展「屬於我們的城市」、「即溶宇宙」、「移動身景:凝視、抵抗、創作與歌唱」、「直面記憶邊境」,與「重返新時區:三十週年特別企劃」單元中,特別聚焦關照(Care)作為今年的核心關懷,精心挑選短片與中、長片共十二部,希冀呈現諸般內在與外在關照的場景。在這些場景裡,有自我對於童年、家族、情感與生活的凝視,生命與創作的迴盪,性別對於規訓的抗衡,以及交纏於家庭與個人史、國族身份和社會體制中的個體如何重返記憶;在集體的觀影與對話之中形塑公眾領域,回觀性騷擾與性暴力史、探究歷史與社會的不正義,並接住彼此,修復自身,以行動關照自己與照護他人。

Times of Mutual Action, Times of Care

The 30th Women Make Waves International Film Festival, Taiwan - NYCU Tour

The Women Make Waves International Film Festival is one of Taiwan’s largest and most established organizations to promote gender awareness and engage with gender issues, education, theory, and activism. This year the festival is celebrating 30 years of screening, curation, discussion, and creativity centered around issues of gender, not only showcasing films by women from around the world, but also illuminating the writing of gendered social histories through film in Taiwan. Since 2019, Powered Image Working Lab has brought tours of the festival to Hsinchu, covering themes including “Displacements and Intersectionality,” “Blazing Histories: Movements Transformed,” and “The Revolution Continues.” Screenings, lectures, and discussions have enabled multi-faceted conversations exploring these topics across a variety of films, bringing together not only scholars and students across NYCU campuses, but also those involved in education and curation across Hsinchu.


This year’s NYCU tour runs from October 31st through November 24th, 2023, and includes a total of five screenings and 12 films across both Kuang-Fu campus and Hsinchu’s Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo Cafe. Titled “關照練習Times of Mutual Action, Times of Care,” this tour features films from the Women Make Waves main festival categories of “Our Queer City,” “Reaching the Impossible,” “Everything Melts into One,” “Inner Landscape: The Art of Seeing, Singing, Making and Rebelling,” “Taiwan Competition,” and “Inventing the Time: 30th Anniversary Special Presentation.” From these categories, the selected films revolve around themes of family, childhood, life, affect, creativity, and the gendered structures and struggles within these. Reflecting on histories of sexual harassment and violence, this tour aims to bring attention to the interrelation of care and action: actions of social and political significance resonating and coalescing into forms of mutual care; individual gestures of self care, interpersonal care, and collective care developing into broader social movements and action. In these diverse visions of care and action, and in the communities created through sharing these films, the temporalities of everyday practices and unfolding social movements become connected by the fundamental struggles of care for the self, and care for others.








Planning & Organization|Powered Image Working Lab

NYCU Sponsored by|International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang-Ming Chiao-Tung University  (ICCS-NYCU); Powered Image Working Lab (planning & organization); International Institute for Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IICS-UST)

Sponsored by|Taiwan Women’s Film Association; The 30th Women Make Waves International Film Festival, Taiwan

Co-Sponsored by|Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo Café (Hsinchu)

More information|Women Make Waves International Film Festival website:

海報 Poster

2023 Photos

照片 Photos

Eyeball Person


《眼球人》The Eyeball Person


村岡由梨 Yuri MURAOKA





This film is about gazes and goodbyes. An attempt to weave a poem on personal experiences with images. The filmmaker realizes that living is suffering to see Nemu, one of her daughters, squirming with struggles, as if sunflowers squirm to bloom.

《夏日片羽》 Hummingbirds

艾斯黛芬妮亞「貝芭」孔特雷拉斯 Estefanía “Beba” CONTRERAS

希爾維亞・卡斯塔尼奧斯 Silvia CASTAÑOS

2023| 美國 |紀錄片 |彩色 |77分鐘 |6+保護級







In Laredo, a city in southern Texas on the Mexican border, Silvia and Beba’s friendship blossoms into a kaleidoscope of conversation, laughs, and activist shenanigans as they spend one final summer together before they go their separate ways. Stuck in the immigration process in a politically divided America, home seems fragile. But their bond is not. The half-light is a space for poetry and dreams.


蜜莉蘇坦多・邦格拉 Milisuthando BONGELA

2023 |南非、哥倫比亞|紀錄|彩色|128分鐘|0+普遍級

☆2023 日舞影展

☆2023 紐約新導演/新電影影展

☆2023 Sheffield Doc/Fest雪菲爾國際紀錄片影展



Milisuthando is an experimental essay film which intertwines personal narrative with national history. Set in past, present, and future South Africa, an invitation into a poetic, memory-driven exploration of love, intimacy, race, and belonging by the filmmaker, who grew up during apartheid but didn't know it was happening until it was over.

《成為家人的我們》Silent Love

馬瑞克.寇薩齊維茲 Marek KOZAKIEWICZ




After their mother’s death, 35-year-old Aga starts to look after her teenage brother, Milosz. She starts playing the role of both mother and father to him, but there is one thing she isn’t telling him about: her long-term relationship with Maja. Will the three of them manage to build a new model of a family in the midst of a conservative and closed community?

《嘿!吉米》Hey Jimmy

宋明杰 SUNG Ming-Chieh






A short documentary about Jimmy, a black Taiwanese drag queen. The film considers the socio-cultural complexities of the protagonist's mixed parentage. With a contemporary urban narrative, it incorporates animation to create an affectionately comical insight.

《苦澀的九月》Bitter September

索菲亞・法蘭塔圖 Sophia FARANTATOU

2022|瑞士|紀錄|彩色| 26分鐘|6+保護級




After the death of the Greek-American LGBTQ activist Zak, his childhood friend Sophia FARANTATOU returns to Greece. Between the mainstream media narrative and her own archive footage of Zak, FARANTATOU has no choice but to reflect on the meaning of memory. Only time can give her room to face the absence of her friend.

《LESVOS: 我們的家》Home Ground

權亞嵐 KWON Aram







“Chanel” in Myeong-dong in the 1970s was the secret hideout for Butches and Femmes. In 1996, young lesbians opened Korea's first lesbian bar, “LesVos.” In the early 2000s, queer teens seeking a community gathered in a small park in Sinchon. Myong-woo, who ran “LesVos” nearby, is still guarding the place 20 years later. As the coronavirus crisis hit, the bar has lost its customers. Will “LesVos” survive a they be able to protect the place during the coronavirus pandemicthis time?

《召喚(致芭芭拉)》Vever (For Barbara)

黛博拉・史察門 Deborah STRATMAN





A cross-generational binding of three filmmakers seeking alternative possibilities to power structures they’re inherently part of. The film grew out of abandoned film projects of Maya DEREN and Barbara HAMMER. A vever is a symbolic drawing used in Haitian Voodoo to invoke a Loa, or god.








Observing her world over a six-year period, choice morsels of documentary footage from the neighborhood of Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, are augmented with wry observations and witty on-screen text in this casual, engrossing portrait of daily life. FRIEDRICH thought that using her camera to "live in the moment" would give her access to seeing the wonders of the world, but instead it meant she saw exactly what was in front of her, be it devastating or uplifting.


薛若儀 HSUEH Lo-Yi

黃聖鈞 HUANG Sheng-Chun



金太郎原是一名造墓師,後來轉職打掃墓園。每天他都會到南山公墓,到太太的墳墓前除草。從他離開後,雜草逐漸漫過了墓碑、掩蓋太郎曾走過的小徑,墓園也少了定期整理的痕跡。 這天,金太郎從靈骨塔裡動身,一步步走回他待了大半輩子的南山公墓。


Jintaro transitioned from a tombstone maker to a cemetery cleaner due to many of the changes in burial practices. Sincehe passed away, no one has swept his wife’s tomb and the cemetery has overgrown with grass. . One day, Jintaro leaves the bone ash tower and returns to the Nanshan Cemetery where he spent most of his life....

《玫瑰的戰爭》The War of Roses

陳俊志 Mickey CHEN





Dedicated to the sisters who fought back with the last strengths in them, The War of Roses documents the struggles and aftermath of four women in different environments that encountered sexual assaults, shedding light on the underlying structural violence sustaining the unequal power relations in gender.

《一代名妓—官秀琴》Memoir of Miss Kuan,
A Celebrated Sex Worker

鄭小塔 Zita JENG





In 1997, the Taipei City Council abolished the Licensed Prostitute System without any compensatory measures. For over 2 years, Miss Guan was one of the leading figures that organized over 500 protests to defend the prostitutes’ work rights. Yet under huge pressure from their mounting debts and governmental crackdown, she finally threw herself into the ocean…

Silent Love
Hey Jimmy
Bitter September
Home Ground
The War of Roses
Memoir of Miss Kuan




時間|10/31 (二) 15:30-17:30 (15:15前請入座)

地點|陽明交通大學 光復校區 人社二館3樓 人文電影館

主持人|蔡華臻/國立陽明交通大學 社會與文化研究所助理教授、女性影像學會常務監事

The Eyeball Person | Hummingbirds

Time: 10/31 (Tue.) 15:30-17:30 (Please be seated by 15:15)

Venue: NYCU Cinema for the Arts, 3rd Floor, HA Building B, Kuang-Fu Campus

Moderator: Professor Hwa-Jen Tsai

(Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU;

Executive Supervisor, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)


時間|11/07 (二) 15:30-17:30 (15:15前請入座)

地點|陽明交通大學 光復校區 人社二館3樓 人文電影館

主持人|蔡華臻/國立陽明交通大學 社會與文化研究所助理教授、女性影像學會常務監事


Time: 11/07 (Tue.) 15:30-17:30 (Please be seated by 15:15)

Venue: NYCU Cinema for the Arts, 3rd Floor, HA Building B, Kuang-Fu Campus

Moderator: Professor Hwa-Jen Tsai

(Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU;

Executive Supervisor, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)

《成為家人的我們 》《嘿!吉米》《苦澀的九月》

時間|11/14 (二) 15:30-17:30  (15:15前請入座)

地點|陽明交通大學 光復校區 人社二館3樓 人文電影館

主持人|蔡華臻/國立陽明交通大學 社會與文化研究所助理教授、女性影像學會常務監事

Silent Love | Hey Jimmy | Bitter September

Time: 11/14 (Tue.) 15:30-17:30 (Please be seated by 15:15)

Venue: NYCU Cinema for the Arts, 3rd Floor, HA Building B, Kuang-Fu Campus

Moderator: Professor Hwa-Jen Tsai

(Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU;

Executive Supervisor, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)

《LESVOS: 我們的家》《召喚(致芭芭拉)》《今日種種》《Afterlife》

時間|11/23(四)13:30-16:30  (13:15前請入座)

地點|陽明交通大學 光復校區 人社二館3樓 人文電影館

主持人|蔡華臻/國立陽明交通大學 社會與文化研究所助理教授、女性影像學會常務監事

Home Ground | Vever (For Barbara) | Today | Afterlife

Time: 11/23 (Thurs.) 13:30-16:30  (Please by seated by 13:15)

Venue: NYCU Cinema for the Arts, 3rd Floor, HA Building B, Kuang-Fu Campus

Moderator: Professor Hwa-Jen Tsai

(Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU;

Executive Supervisor, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)


時間|11/24 (五) 19:30-21:00 (19:15前請入座)


播放片單|《玫瑰的戰爭 The War of Roses》、《一代名妓—官秀琴 Memoir of Miss Kuan, A Celebrated Sex Worker》

主持人|戴瑜慧/國立陽明交通大學 傳播與科技學系副教授
蔡華臻/國立陽明交通大學 社會與文化研究所助理教授、女性影像學會常務監事

The War of Roses | Memoir of Miss Kuan, A Celebrated Sex Worker

Time: 11/24 (Fri.) 19:30-21:00 (Please be seated by 19:15)

Venue: Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo Cafe (No. 1 Hsing-da Street, Eastern District, Hsinchu City)

Moderators: Professor Hwa-Jen Tsai

(Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, NYCU;

Executive Supervisor, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)


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This website is created with support from the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University International Center for Cultural Studies.

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